Automatic update of applications from the internet. Update can be created for any new version or bugfix of application; update can be incremental (small data, just difference from previous version) or full (all changed files from the initial version). IQ compares current version of application on user's computer with version available on server and then selects optimal download set (with respect to downloaded data) how to update user's computer to latest version. After that IQ downloads and updated the files.
IQ backups old version of files and in the case of failure, it can automatically restore previous version of the program. The update can contain change in file data, add/remove a file, add/remove a folder, and execute a program at the end of update. IQ also can download and update IQ itself.
Sites with only one computer connected to internet, can download all the updates to local files server and update other computers from that local server.
During development of IQ I also developed jPatch tool used to compare two files (including huge databases ~100MB) and produce smallest difference.
2D CAD program with programming interface. This program was developed as AutoCAD replacement. It is used as base for various applications build on top of the JPCAD. You can have a look at ANTEK Aided Desing (in Italian).
If you want to know more about JPCAD, please visit ANTEK (sorry, the pages are pretty dated).
I developed the following parts of JPCAD: user interface, 2D graphic library, 2D geometric library, JPCAD Development Kit and documentation, JPCAD documentation, port of JPCAD to Win32s, hardware key protection (Windows kernel driver), installation program, DWG v8-2003 import/export, ActiveX interface, interpret of configuration program, and much more.
Reviews of JPCAD can be found in specialized magazines, in Softwarové noviny 10/98 - The produkt of October, Computer desing 4/98, CAD 4/98, Chip 1/98. JPCAD can be also found on Chip CD 3/98.
Development of simple hardware key connected to COM port. The port can be used by serial mouse at the same time. For Windows NT/2000/XP I developed kernel driver, Windows 9x can access the port directly, because they don't have memory protection.
System for data exchange between wholesalers and customers on Windows platform.
I developed and improved Web server with ISAPI, ASP and CGI support. The Web server is used to exchange files with orders, to update databases with list of articles, databases with prices of products and so on.
The system communicates with AS/400 on wholesaler site by using another Windows service, this services exchanges files with AS/400.
Graphical presentation of domestic electric circuits, selection of optimal containers for switches etc. Developed for BTicino, Italia.
TiBus is part of TiPlan developed for BTicino. TiBus is used to configure devices for home comfort: light switching, check of power peaks, water and gas leaks, heating check etc. The devices communicates over special network wires.
Actuator devices actuates the lights, motors, heating valves and so on and command devices like switches, temperature sensors sends commands to actuators. Each device on the network has address and other configurators used to specify behaviour, for instance switch off the light after 1 minute, switch off all lights when you leave a house.
picture 1, picture 2, picture 3.
Java applet used to select and display properties of circuit breakes and wires.
The applet reads data from remote server and with several steps user can select desired circuit breaker. For each device a set of specific parameters is displayed along with logarithmic power curves, time/current curves and other. The curve data are read from database or calculated by applet using specified parameters. The curves can be compared, zoomed, colored, user can add special points.
Application for JPCAD that can draw ground plan of buildings, insert windows and doors, columns. This application is used in other applications, for instance electrical wiring.
When Archi connects wall or creates holes for doors/windows, it automatically shows distances from important points on wall and sample of future shape, for instance after the wall are connected. When you delete a wall or door/window, Archi restores original shape of wall.
Calculation of room illuminance, selection of lights and calculation of optimal space arrangement of the lights.
Calculation of outline of given 2D object in JPCAD, used for instance to show back part of a electrical device. Unfortunately the entities of the block were not accurately drawn, there were small gaps between endpoints. I created two solutions - vector and raster.
Electrical wiring of more phases in JPCAD, automatic connection on objects in drawing.
Document manager, similar to Windows Explorer.
Cooperation with ABStudio on development of CADKONu in areas: generic hole in wall and roof, dormers and chimneys, create 3D object by sweeping 2D profile, the whole module H (wooden constructions), vaulting, edit of layers, drawing walls, mass line, calculation of concrete blocks etc.
VT100 terminal emulator, DOS application later ported to UNIX.
Tools for debugging AutoCAD LISP. Show source code, step code, breakpoints, view variables etc.