jLameGUI is graphical interface for Lame MP3 encoder/decoder. With jLameGUI you can set lame options is user friendly dialogs, same the options a load them later,
edit ID3 v1.0 and v1.1. tags for many files at once, check validity of MP3 frames and more.
- set Lame encoder options in easy to use dialogs
- save and load options
- show parameters of MP3 files (bitrate, frequency, ...)
- check and remove bad or incomplete MP3 frames
- edit/remove ID3 tags v1.0 and v1.1 on many files at once
- remove ID3 tags v2.0 on many files at once
- remove Lyrics3 tags on many files at once
- encode WAV to MP3 (with histogram)
- decode MP3 into WAV
- calculator for calculation of files size from bitrate and time (and vice versa)
Non features:
- show and edit ID3 tags v2.0
- edit MP3 file, use mp3DirectCut
- change gain MP3 without recoding, use MP3Gain
Souhrnné informace
Operating system
Windows 95/98/ME/NT/2000/XP
automatic installation and uninstallation
Supported languages
Version 1.0.1 (1.1.2007)
Small fixes and improvements.
Added link to product homepage
Fixed: when more files were selected in file open dialog,
jLameGUI did not open any file
Fixed: default options are now correctly read from "Options/default.txt" file
Fixed: default location for lame options files is "Options" folder
Version 1.0.0
First public version.
I try, every way I figure out, encode or decode mp3 using Lame through Your jLameGUI - it is impossible.
Write how to do it. How to chose output directory or set file name different from input ?
Options I use: --mp3input -m j --cbr -b 192 --athtype 2 -h --short
Input file: test.mp3 320 CBR joint
I receive nothing, nor mp3 nor wav.
jLameGUI is quite old and
jLameGUI is quite old and maybe no longer compatible with current lame. It was tested with lame 3.93.1. The generated files are stored in the same directory as input files, so for A.wav you will get A.mp3 in the same directory.